>>216 ラララアの負け。
The “rock” in question was the steep, rocky hill on the infamous Moegatle
4×4 Trail.
Moegatle is known as one of SA’s three Terror Trails, and with good reason,
as many 4x4s have met an untimely end on this trail.
Rickard wanted to see if the Ranger could scale the 45-degree rock face that
forms part of the trail.
We’re standing at the base of this monster.It’s a 45 degree climb, during
which wheels invariably lift into the air.
You need horsepower and horsepower, grip and traction from a reliable and
fail-safe 4×4 system – and a good helping of bravery, it seems.
Although the Ranger, with its 237mm ground clearance and ability to forge
through 800mm-deep water, had conquered mud and intimidating ruts earlier
in the day, this 45-degree climb is something altogether more menacing,
intimidating and dangerous.
問題の "岩"はMoegatle 4×4トレイルの3大脅威、悪名高い45度の険しい岩山。